Beauty and Wellness comes from within

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]People used to believe that makeup was the secret to beauty, that skincare provided all the answers to glowing skin, and that haircare would keep your locks lustrous. But more and more on this journey, towards discovering everything we could about health, beauty and wellness, we realise that our appearance is actually a window into our day to day nutrition combined with everything else we do with our bodies, as well as what we put our bodies through on a daily basis.

The radiance we call beauty is the end result of a nutritious diet, regular exercise, rest and keeping everything else like stress and work in balance. So what can you do to ensure enhanced health, greater beauty and improved wellness overall?

Make healthy choices daily

The first step to a healthier you is to become more aware of the choices you make every day. What you choose to buy at the shops when stocking your cupboards at home. The time you choose to go to bed, the amount of time you choose to spend on your phone, whether you drink one glass of wine per night or four. Mostly you only need to make a few minor changes to get a great effect! But it all starts with being aware.

Live in mindfulness

What is mindfulness? “Consciously bringing awareness to you’re here and now experience, with openness, interest and receptiveness.” (The Happiness Trap). Mindfulness plays a vital role in our mental state, and scientists now believe that physical changes in the brain have a direct influence on improved health. It is no wonder that practising mindfulness will improve health problems such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, and many others.

Get enough sleep

Scientists have gone through great lengths (and sleepless nights) to fully understand the connection between sleep and wellness. They have discovered that sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning and other vital physiological functions. Lack of adequate sleep also affects our mood, motivation, judgement and our perception of events.

Spend time in nature

Immersed in nature we feel enlivened and nourished. Gazing into a clear starry night sky, walking with bare feet on a golden beach, or hiking through a forest or mountainous terrain, brings resonance and harmony to our usual busy and stressful lives. Spending time in nature makes us sleep better, breathe easier, and certainly rid us of some stress and cobwebs that can stint our creativity and feelings of resilience and wellness.

Regular exercise

Exercise will increase your energy level through delivering oxygen and nutrients to your body. Studies now also show that exercising can boost brain function, reduce stress, increase overall happiness by releasing endorphins, prevent cognitive decline, alleviate anxiety, sharpen your memory and creativity and escalate your self-confidence.

Spa treatments

Spa treatments such as massage can improve circulation, which enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells and helps remove waste products. Spa treatments also encourage a relaxation response from the body, which lowers the heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, it boosts the immune system and generally decreases the physical effects of stress. Research also found that a massage will decrease inflammation caused by exercise and your cells will be able to repair quicker.[/vc_column_text][vc_button title=”Find a Spa near you” target=”_self” color=”btn-success” icon=”none” size=”btn-large” href=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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